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TCM Treatment of Stroke

Prof.Yougeng Wang

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  • 課程介紹
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  • 考試
  • Professor, Vitality University

    She graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1982. After graduation, she was engaged in clinical and postgraduate teaching at Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. After many years of study with Professor Xu Jianzhong, a master of Chinese medicine, he participated in the research of "Guben Pill" Chinese patent medicine, which won the first prize of scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Health of China. She has been invited to give lectures in Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia and the United States, and has been widely reported by local TV stations, newspapers and magazines. She has unique clinical experience in acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and gynecological diseases. During her tenure as a professor at Vitality University, she lectured on TCM clinical medicine courses and clinical teaching and was widely welcome by students.


TCM Treatment of Stroke

  • 上課時間:自由选择
    Class Time: Freedom of choice
  • 課  時:平均50分钟
    Class Hour: Average 50 minutes
  • 教學模式:预录式
    Teaching Mode: Pre-recorded

Teacher introduction

  • 王幼庚教授
    Prof.Yougeng Wang
    • 千帆大學教授 1982年畢業於北京中醫藥大學,畢業後在中國中醫科學院西苑醫院從事臨床及研究生帶教。多年跟隨國醫大師許建中教授學習,參與其“固本丸”中成藥研究,該研究獲中國衛生部科技成果一等獎。多次受邀到匈牙利、新加坡、馬來西亞、美國講學,獲得當地電視台、報刊雜誌廣泛報導。對心腦血管疾病、婦科疾病的針灸、中藥治療有獨到臨床經驗。任職千帆大學教授期間,主講中醫臨床醫學課程和臨床帶教,廣受學生們歡迎。
    • Professor, Vitality University She graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1982. After graduation, she was engaged in clinical and postgraduate teaching at Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. After many years of study with Professor Xu Jianzhong, a master of Chinese medicine, he participated in the research of "Guben Pill" Chinese patent medicine, which won the first prize of scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Health of China. She has been invited to give lectures in Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia and the United States, and has been widely reported by local TV stations, newspapers and magazines. She has unique clinical experience in acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and gynecological diseases. During her tenure as a professor at University of Herbal Medicine, she lectured on TCM clinical medicine courses and clinical teaching and was widely welcome by students.
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